Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Stranger By The Day"

To put it plainly, my day is a study in contrasts. In the morning, I usually wake up around the same time as Connor (eightish) and play the role of nurturer and caretaker. Get breakfast ready. Provide clean clothes. Brush teeth. Supply constructive playtime. Et cetera ad naseum.

But, once Connor goes down for his afternoon nap, I am free to indulge myself in everything I'm missing while he's awake. (And, yes, I'm aware that Stacey will probably scold me for not missing Connor when he's asleep, or even enjoying myself during his nap times 'cause she's pretty hard up to hang out with him these days.)

Yesterday, for example, I got a big package of pre-release CDs as part of one of my freelance gigs and spent the afternoon geeking out with my iPod. By 5:30, though, I was back to being Dad — heating up dinner (I'd say "cooking" but I don't want to get scolded on two points in on entry) and once again providing stable care for child.

Today's activities might provide an even clearer dichotomy: Pre-naptime was pretty much like every other day — eat, clean, play and poop (and I'm not saying who did what, either). But, once Connor was asleep — and in between me trying to gather my writing clips so I can make a legitimate push for freelance work — I managed to "find" a couple of mixed-martial arts fights on (I seriously need to block that particular site and Google video as well 'cause they're severaly draining my naptime productivity.)

While Connor was sleeping, I was watching Tito Ortiz mangle Ken Shamrock's face and watching Rich Franklin demolish pretty much every one in his path. But, by this evening, life returned to "normal" once again. After dinner, I vacuumed the downstairs while Connor followed me around with his toy vacuum.

Should I relinquish my "dude club" card now?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More dudes should be like you so I suggest you run for president of the dude club.

1:39 PM  

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