Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Behold A Lady"

It shouldn't surprise me when Connor learns new things. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, he is picking up new information at an overwhelming pace, but everytime he recognizes something new or puts words together in patterns I've never heard him use (that'd be sentences, folks), I can't help but look at him like he's possessed.

"Uh, Connor, how did you know that was a unicycle?...No, I'm not washing my hands and who told you about proper hygiene habits?...No, that's not a transvestite on our lawn."

As it happens pretty much every day, Connor managed to surprise me yet again today when we went to have lunch with Stacey. When we pulled up, we saw a woman crossing the street across from Stacey's office building. Connor looked at her from his carseat and waved.

"Hello, lady," he said charmingly.

To make sure I understood who he was looking at he clarified the situation for me thusly: "Daddy, that's a lady, not Mama. Mama not a lady."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure about using the term "transvestite" and the sentence "Mama not a lady" all in the same post. To much going on there...

9:00 AM  

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