Tuesday, February 21, 2006

"Behind the Wall of Sleep"

Listen up, people. This is Carter's subconscious. Sure, his body is sitting at the computer, his fingers hammering out this entry, but he's pretty much oblivious at this point.

"Stick with me, dude. We gotta get this done before your drool shorts out the computer keyboard."

In addition to his regular gig as #1 Dad, Carter has had a full plate the last four days with a couple of freelance projects that have kept him up until wee hours (a time of day he hasn't seen in some time) being all creative-like. He's basically exhausted and worthless at this point? How is that different from regular Carter? I did say exhausted, right?

Since he's a creature of habit, though, he sat down to compose an entry tonight so as not to disrupt his rigid blogging schedule, but he lost consciousness soon thereafter. Since I've got a dream planned for tonight about starting a small business in Portland, Oregon, that makes specially designed TV remote control buttons for ladies with exceptionally long fingernails (as far as the subconscious goes, yeah, I'm a little "off"), I gotta get this kid to bed.


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