Monday, February 27, 2006

"Hands Clean"

Caveat: This entry is about the poop and nothing but the poop. If you're disinclined to read an ENTIRE entry about doodie, move on, pardner.

Over the course of a lifetime, humans will ingest pretty much every people-produced toxin imaginable. While looking online for some stats to back up this claim I actually made myself queasy and had to stop so as not to choke on the FireBall currently nestled in my jaw. Suffice it to say, you've definitely eaten poop and probably much worse (depending on your perogative, of course).

After changing Connor's dung-filled diapers, I can't help but notice that my hands often bear the distinct aroma of digested and expelled food, no matter how careful I careful I am to avoid direct contact — or eye contact, for that matter...that stuff is just bad news. Period. I wash my hands after most changings, but I'm not going to claim that I have a perfect record.

Wiping your hands with a Wet-Wipe is better than nothing, right?!

I have learned that any bad habit I have, I can generally multiply it by ten to get the general average. For example, if I fail to wash my hands after going to the bathroom 25 percent of the time then the average for the general public is much higher. (I'd try to produce a figure for you, but I have no idea what to multiply by ten...amount of trips to the bathroom?...IQ?...body mass?) Bottom line, germs are on everything you touch.

Couple this observation with the concept behind the film Waiting, a movie about the lengths to which people in the foodservice industry (a polite way to say food cooks/servers) will go to ensure that you get your recommended daily allowance of fecal matter, hair of unmentionable origin, and other "ingredients," and you can see why it's inevitible that you're going to ingest something horrid on a daily basis.

With that in mind, I've decided to stop washing my hands entirely. The way I see it, I'm in an environment now that should provide the perfect "training ground" for the outside world — after all, there are no germs like that of a snot-dripping, drool-slinging child. I am going to eat food tainted with Godknowswhat whether I like it or not, so why not start building up a tolerance now?

If I could just do something about the spiders I'll swallow in my sleep...


Anonymous Anonymous said... my efforts to get you to start cooking have been stopped. Good move on your part I guess.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Bonny Babe said...

I've never found a finger tip in my food, but I've come across some pretty gross stuff. I found a bit of bloody fingernail in some tapioca pudding once [why me?!] At least it didn't make it into my mouth, gag.

Also if you leave spaghetti sauce out for too long and you get a round bit of mold growing on the surface then jar it up and find it while you're eating, it's like chewing on a band aid - yick! This one did make it into my mouth. Oh how I rue that day...

Needless to say I was put off by processed food for awhile there. Now I just scrutinize every bite. At least poop particles are small enough you don't really notice... lol

3:14 AM  

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