Monday, July 10, 2006

"Are You Experienced"

Last year while Stacey was applying for post-doctoral positions, we decided that I would stay at home with Connor this year. It seemed an easy enough decision to make.

Well, maybe not.

At that time, I had probably only spent about 20 hours (cumulative) alone with Connor, typically on Saturday mornings while Stacey taught a psych class at a nearby community college. That was basically the extent of my parenting experience. During last summer while we stopped over in Atlanta for two-and-a-half months until we moved into our "permanent" living situation for the year, I upped the ante and watched Connor for two days a week.

The transition wasn't easy.

At first, the days with Connor seemed to drag by longer than a stay at Guantanamo. How was I supposed to entertain a little kid with whom I hadn't spent all that much time in his first year of life? (Keep in mind, hands-off though I was, when Connor was born I was working very long hours at my job and Stacey was loath to give up much Connor time when he was very little...we didn't get much of a chance to get to know each other.)

Looking back now, though, the very best thing that could have happened to me was to stay home while Stacey suffered the working week. Although next year will see me continuing to stay home in a slightly modified fashion — perhaps working part-time while family members spell me on a regular basis — I still have trouble picturing myself in a 9-to-5 again.

The horror.

Besides, if I went back to work, what would you people have to read every day?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good thing we both have very lucrative and flexible jobs. Well at least the flexible part is true. I think we can work out a compromise that includes us both working some and both getting some Connor time. I hope that when he is older he knows that we used to fight over time with him. What a special kid.

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are my hero. I tell everyone I know about your "sacrifice" with great pride. He is a special guy and your time with him will magnify it's value as the days pass. "You da man" as we say on the golf course.

10:45 AM  

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