Tuesday, June 27, 2006

"Couldn't Stand The Weather"

When I returned home from my recent two-week vacation, my car decided to punish me for neglecting it by burning out the motor that controls the windshield wipers, thus preventing me from defending myself from stray raindrops, bird poop, that pine straw/pollen glop that seems to favor my car, or anything else that might get stuck there.

I do plan on having this matter attended to by a qualified professional, but since I know of no such place out here (and it's hard to set up times to drop off and pick up the car since Stacey leaves for work before most places open and gets home after they've closed up for the day), I'm waiting until we move back to the suburbs of Atlanta next month to take it to a mechanic I know and trust.

But, given this mild inconvenience, it's been difficult to get far from home when there's even the threat of rain especially when there's a kid in the backseat who needs his two-hour nap every day or...well, there is no "or." Comprende?

Since it was raining almost all day yesterday, Connor and I amused ourselves with every possible indoor activity. But, by today, he was obviously itching to get out and about. Since the local TV meteorologist told us to expect torrential rains again for most of the day today, I knew we couldn't get far. So, we headed to our old standby — the dump — and even dared to drive as far as the Dollar General, which I've heard some locals refer to as "the mall" — a statement which qualifies for its own post on another day.

We rushed home, so as not to tempt fate any more than we already had, but Connor knew that I'd cut his 'out of the house time' well short of his required daily dosage. There was nothing he could do about it, but that didn't stop him from flinging his wooden Thomas the Tank Engine trains at the back of my head as we drove home.

So, in total, how much rain did we get today? None. How overcast was the sky? Barely.

I'm starting to lose faith in my firm belief that everything on TV is true.


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