Wednesday, July 05, 2006

"Out Of Step"

Ever get the feeling that you don't quite fit in?

Every Wednesday during the summer, a nearby university hosts a free story-and-a-movie for kids. Given Connor's obvious attraction to motion pictures, I thought it might be a good idea — especially since it's hotter than David Hasselhoff's European singing career outside.

Even though the weather forecast predicted imminent rainshowers, and my wipers are non-functional at the moment, I decided to ignore the advice and head out anyway. (Again, contrary to the official forecast we got zilch in the way of rainfall today.)

Anyway, Connor and I made our grand entrance about five minutes early — which, for me, is considered late since I'll probably be early to my own funeral. Given our near tardiness, there were a few parents with kids already seated, having a rather animated conversation about a subject somehow related to their children. (Usually, in these situations, I find that each parent blabs about his or her own kid for as long as possible, until the other party butts in and dominates the "conversation" similarly.)

When these ladies saw us sit down for the story/movie combo, you would have thought I farted — I didn't, for the record...I at least had the courtesy to wait until the movie started — because you could instantly hear the hum of the flourescent lights overhead, instead of their rambling dialogue, which had previously filled the now-quiet space.

I may be reading more into this than need be, but it seemed obvious that these ladies hadn't planned on a dude being there today and were caught off guard.

I now knew what it felt like to be the black guy.

Uh, what did you think I was talking about?


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