Tuesday, December 13, 2005

You Get What You Pay Forward

Yesterday, Connor and I spent the morning out on the town. First, we stopped at Stacey's office because her group was having a breakfast-type event. Next we stopped at the Post Office to pick up a registered package that the mail carrier refused to deliver because it meant she'd have to leave her vehicle and walk down our driveway. Then we went to Wal-Mart where Connor promptly peed so much that his diaper refused to accept it and dumped the tee-tee out the backside of his pants. After a quick change in my trunk, we headed for home, but not before stopping to watch a backhoe and dumptruck move some serious earth.

While we were at the Post Office, I saw something very interesting — a pregnant woman with two kids who either wasn't having a very good day, or was the biggest beyotch on the planet.

I'm not saying I'm parent of the year (see above story about changing Connor's diaper outside in 40 degree weather), but this lady has some issues. First of all, she was expecting her 5-year-old (I'm estimating his age) to be the watchdog for her 12-month-old (again, estimating). When the older kid didn't keep a hawk's eye on his younger brother, she'd express her annoyance that she was actually having to reprimand the tot. Once she finally got to the counter (after waiting in line for all of about five minutes) she got really upset with the already unmoved postal worker and started cursing under her breath (but loud enough for everyone to hear...including her kids) because she wasn't happy with the rates the government charges for carrying heavy-ass boxes across the country.

That she was rude wasn't exactly the issue — it's that she was behaving like the world owed her a huge favor in front of her kids and wondering why the two kids weren't behaving.

Everyone that spends any time with Connor comments on how well-adjusted he seems. Guess what? Some of it might be his natural temperament, but kids absolutely pay attention to how their parents behave from day one. Sure we curse too much, but I like to think that we're pretty decent to people and he's learning that you don't treat people like fag poop (a term I heard in 7th grade and still think is the funniest thing ever, even if it's incredibly insensitive).

It might be a good idea to stop cursing and throwing nickels at the fast food drive-through employee for forgetting that you ordered a Junior Western Bacon Chee (that you actually didn't order) while you try to scam a free Coke or Seasoned Curlies in the process. When your kids aren't trying to scam you in 20 years, you might thank me.


Blogger Im A Foto Nut said...

My ex-wife must have been reincarnated into this woman. When she was alive she was just like that. At first only to me, but then to the whole world by the time she died. Had nothing to do with being ill. She was a byahtch before she got sick.

7:45 AM  

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