Monday, December 12, 2005


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Davis familia has a very important announcement, so listen up. This weekend, our family officially grew by one member. Thank you, thank you. It was nothin'. This is, after all, what men do, right?

We're super excited about this new little guy, although Connor doesn't seem to share our enthusiasm. I have to admit that I'm a little worried about Connor breaking his neck or scratching him, but I have to remember to give Connor equal love and attention and not make it all about the new guy. Easier said than done, right? Connor is my firstborn, but come on...

Did I mention that I was talking about a guitar?

Yeah, sorry. Guess I should've pointed that out. This past weekend was my great guitar gear giveaway giggity giggity. I loaded up the car with all the guitar stuff I figured I could get any cash for and went to Guitar Center. One hour later, I left with a brand new Gibson SG Standard in my possession — a guitar that's nicer than any I've ever owned before — though probably not worth as much as the actual '61 SG that I foolishly traded away after my brother foolishly sold it to me in the first place. (For the record, we both have SGs now as a belated attempt to try and amend for such stupid decisions in our youth.)

Connor is already sick of the guitar, and I've only had it for two days, and I don't even have an amp here for it. I traded in my beast amp and am now waiting for my birthday to roll around in one month so I can get a small amp for the house and a cheap wireless system so Connor won't get tangled up in the cords, and so I can play while I walk outside and check the mail, and so I can play in the backyard while Connor and I play, and so I can...okay, you get the point.

Enough typing. The guitar is calling.


Blogger Steve Davis said...

It's pretty funny. After i sold Carter that '61 SG that I bought off of some idiot for $200, I knew I had made a big mistake. Just a short time later, Carter traded it straight up for a Charvel. That's right, a Charvel.

I think something about that guitar just brought about bad decisions. 3 people in a row made an awful decision that took it out of their hands.

Which makes it even more humorous that I spent years and lots of money in act of retribution to get a '61 SG reissue. Which I will NEVER trade or sell. I learned my lesson.

Somehow, I think Carter learned his too.

12:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how much was this thing worth anyway?

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The image of you walking around the yard playing the guitar to an assorted group of fish, squirrels,"piders" racoons and the junk yard couple up the road brings a smile to my face and a chuckle to my lips. I feel a country song coming on

1:40 PM  
Blogger Steve Davis said...

I can tell you this, the original SG that caused both of us so much angst wasn't worth nearly as much $$ as the amount both of spent in the last few years fixing the "mistake" of getting rid of it.

It would have been worth a lot if it was in really good shape, but the first dumbass to sell it to me took care of that one for all of us.

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hola yo soy de monterrey mexico y queria saber si usted o tu no sabes sobrepablo charvel, carlos charvel,ricardo charvel o a su hijo ricardio charvel todos ello tobias menos el hijo si sabes algo comunicate con migo quiero saber de todos los charvel existentes en el mundo soy anajulia charvel familiar de todos los que te acabo de mencionar gracias y adios mi correo electronico esw enviame un emil si sabes algo gracias adios.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Carter said...

English, por favor.

10:45 PM  

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