Wednesday, December 14, 2005

On The Road Again

I'm back in my [rented] home after a quick 36-hour trip to Atlanta to earn some much-needed money at my very part-time job. But, in my haste to get on the road and beat Metro-Atlanta's insidious rush hour traffic, I made a critical mistake. Connor's best friend (ahead of me, Mama and Murphy) Barkeley, the stuffed dog, got left behind in the mad dash.

Ever since receiving the dog as a gift more than a year ago, Connor has never gone to bed without Barkeley. Even though we've made a concerted effort to keep him from becoming too attached to a stuffed animal (after my brother and sister-in-law learned the hard way with a stuffed animal known around their house as Fluffels, that is now merely a smelly, dirt-stained shadow of its former self), we saw no harm in letting him sleep with one. Sure, he went to bed fine without him tonight, but I'm thinking that tomorrow, when it's afternoon nap time and he's not as exhausted as he was this evening, it's going to be harder to get him to sleep without his constant companion.

Then again, this kid is pretty resilient. I stopped feeding him like a week ago. Has he complained once?

On a completely unrelated note, driving on the Interstate often yields some interesting discoveries. Consider the following nuggets, seen on the back of several trucks during my most recent trip:

"Bomb Mecca"
Nothing like good ol' misinformed American "pride" to really brighten one's day. A Larry the Cable Guy fan, perhaps?

"If you can read this your driving too close"
No, I didn't accidentally misspell "your." This poor misguided fool really did butcher the language in an attempt to eliminate tailgaters, even though he was chronically tailgating other drivers. Your dum!

"Show us your Hooters"
The simple fact that there's an "us" in this makes this incredibly disturbing. What's more unsettling, though, is that, at some point, this sign has to have worked at least once, right? I'd like to meet the lady who sees this as an open wait, actually I don't.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You did accidentally misspell Fluffles. I won't tell Ellen.

11:16 AM  

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