Monday, November 21, 2005

Off Track

For those of you without kids, I'll clue you in to one of the hardest things about raising a lil' one: the unpredictable schedule is, far and away, the worst thing about my day. (Good problem to have, I guess.)

Most days, Connor adheres religiously to his 10 a.m.-11:30 a.m. nap and 2:30 p.m.-4 p.m. nap schedule, with little variation. But, on some days (can you guess which one we had today) he's off the map. Actually, today's schedule was a direct byproduct of our stream of visitors this weekend and too little sleep as a result.

Sure, the morning went routinely enough. Connor was up by 7:45 a.m. (a touch early, but not out of character), and we were watching Calliou by 8:30. By 9:30, he was showing signs of needing a nap (temper flare ups, projectiles flung my way, coherent cursing), so we headed upstairs to begin the settling down process of getting him to sleep. (ie. changing the diaper, reading Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb for the gazillionth time, etc). By 11:30, sure enough, he was up and ready to go, a filled diaper his payment to me for letting him catch up on some sleep.

We ate lunch and played around the house, since it was pretty gloomy out today and I didn't feel like making the 20-minute trip to the dry confines of Wal-Mart or the 30-minute trip to the mall.

By 1:45, he was once again starting to act like he needed some sleep, so we started the ritual that I could now easily perform blindfolded and under heavy sedation and had him in his crib by 2.

"Great," I thought. "I've got an hour-and-a-half to fold some clothes, clean up a bit and maybe check some e-mail and see what's going on in the world today."

Three-and-a-half hours later, the beast awoke from his deep sleep. Let me repeat that: three-and-a-half hours later...

Had I known when I put him down at 2 that I would have until 5:30 to myself, I'm sure I would have spent it more wisely. Ya know, I haven't watched Napoleon Dynamite in a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guh Guh, Pops and GrandMarty; What can we say, we're just party people and we tuckered the little fellow out. Rock on!

10:21 AM  

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