Wednesday, January 25, 2006

TV Party

It's no secret that intelligently written television programs have a difficult time garnering much of an audience. (Look at Arrested Development, probably the smartest show on TV, which was unceremonously cancelled after just two-and-a-half seasons several weeks ago or News Radio which NBC shuffled around more than a deck of cards in Vegas.)

Another program that makes me feel intellectually superior when I watch it is Scrubs. Last night's episode was no exception. Since the show airs at 9 p.m., it means I'm usually watching it by myself as Stacey has long since disappeared into the bedroom. It's unfortunate, because last night is an episode I would have liked for us to watch together. Towards the end of the show, there was a scene that really stuck with me and perfectly defined how I feel about Connor. I've included the transcript.

(A little background first: Carla is a nurse, trying for a baby with her husband and was watching Dr. Cox's two-year-old son for a few hours. After her day, she had serious doubts about having kids after all.)

You don't understand. I didn't dump him on the janitor because I was busy; I dumped him because he was working my last nerve, and I wanted to smush his face. I'm not meant for this.
Dr Cox: Carla, look at me and Jordan. You know how we hate everyone?
Carla: Well, yeah.
Dr. Cox: That goes doubly for children. It's true, they're loud, you can't understand them; they're like tiny cab drivers. But, trust me, when you do have your own kid, you won't feel that way.
Carla: Yeah, why are they different?
Dr. Cox: They're yours... Trust me, Carla. When you do have your own kid, you'll find out you had the courage to be a parent all along.

Of course, the smile on my face was short lived. Right after Scrubs, Law & Order: SVU was about a kidnapped little girl who was being used as a sex slave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Augh! I missed "Scrubs!" And sheesh, the indignity of making a show this funny be a midseason replacement... this whole network TV thing where I have to depend on illiterate couch potatoes to keep my favorite shows on the air has gotta stop. This can't be the best system.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Steve Davis said...

i would remind you both that your youngest brother IS one of these illiterate couch potatoes that's part of the rating system...That's why we turn the TV to PBS, discover, history, or TLC when we're not watching, turn it to Scrubs, Arr. Development, Earl, Office even if we're not home, and place a permanent moratorium on the watching of E!, MTV and VH1. We make it our personal mission to see that CBS and CSI never get watched and Lost and Invasion gets watched every week. And we get PAID to do it! Nuts! I just wish it would make a rating everytime I watched a DVD of Newsradio.

Of course, our votes are likely cancelled out by the billions of people watching really crappy unfunny programs. oh well

5:49 PM  

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