Thursday, January 19, 2006


Wow, how do I follow up a story about hanging out with Burt Reynolds and the cops? Should I mention that today I hung out with Rick Moranis and the guy who was Brendan Fraser’s stunt double in the movie Airheads?

P'raps not.

I think I’ll instead talk about how my brilliant wife cut my daily workload in half by spending $1.50 that I probably would have been to cheap to part with.

We live in a house with no dishwasher — well, I guess I count as the dishwasher part of the time — so Stacey had a brainstorm and bought paper plates this week. I realized yesterday that if we ate all solid foods (no soups) I would only have flatware and cups to wash, so you can probably guess what Connor and I have been eating the past few days. (I’ve been attempting to figure out how to make a bowl out of a paper plate using a rubber band, a tennis ball, some spray adhesive, a popsicle stick, and a little glitter — to make it pretty, of course. Stay posted.)

While it might not exactly qualify for “stroke of genius” type thinking, the thought to use disposable dishes never occurred to me for some reason. I suppose that's why she's out earning a paycheck while I'm at home with our offspring.

With all the spare time I’ve picked up, I’ve gotten a little bit closer to beating the latest PS2 game I’ve immersed myself in, learned how to play most of Lamb of God’s “Hourglass,” and taught myself how to yodel.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to stop by the hospital and pick up some paper clothes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course we're killing trees and filling up landfills but at least we have more time. I suppose the upside is that we are polluting less water...

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Relax!..the plates break down in the landfill unless you buy foam ones. They do make a paper bowl (no need to construct one) although they may not sell them where yall are! Love you guys!

4:54 PM  
Blogger g3jedi said...

whats with hat? lol....

5:26 PM  

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