Thursday, January 05, 2006

Blogging 101

When I first had the notion of starting this blog, I had one goal in mind: to make myself write on a regular basis. I had noticed that my writing skills were beginning to get a bit rusty over the summer since leaving my job as a managing editor of two monthly publications for the land of stay-at-home daddydom, and I knew that I needed some structure to ensure that I didn't lose my touch as the greatest writer to have ever lived. (Can you taste the sarcasm?)

My guidelines were simple: to come up with topics to write about, four days a week, that were somehow related to being a stay-at-home-dad. For non-writers, this might appear to be an easy task, but it's more difficult than it seems. As a professional writer, I have written stories on the driest subjects imaginable (bleeding-edge accounting technologies, the impact of German auto manufacturing on the local economy, the principles of lean manufacturing, et cetera ad nauseum). As a result, I figured I could write about nearly anything. These past several months, I've usually had an idea of what I wanted to write about before I sat down to bang it out on the keyboard, but in a few instances, I didn't really know what to write about until I got started, or erased one or two lead paragraphs.

But, in spite of any writer's block I may have encountered, I always found something to write about and was never forced to cobble together an entry about nothing at all.

Whew. An entry about nothing? Perish the thought...


Blogger g3jedi said...

Carter Cater Carter. Its not your writing that is getting rusty - your just a dad now man!!!! Can't go being creative all the time when you have the worlds most special gift to tend to.

As you might know I think that you are one of the most creative people I have ever met. For christ sake you have sleeves man - COME ON!!!! If you are ever feeling like the material is no forthcoming remember that we all change and grow and change some more. We can't always be producing great things and the lows or the dry spells are just a prequel to evolution.

What am I really trying to say? Don't worry about it. The talent will always be there. Its this life and these moments that God has laid out for you that are important. Don't forget with all the madness that when he wants you to pick it up again the ideas and the words will flow like water.

Stay cool daddy-o.


7:37 PM  

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