Thursday, October 20, 2005

Parents Just Don't Understand

I know why some people think having kids is akin to a death sentence. Have you seen the crap parents put up with? I'm not talking about the little tykes' bad behavior, either. I'm referring to the horrible products that parents will buy as they shift into child-rearing mode.

Although it surely didn't all start with the obnoxious item pictured above, this was my first indication that parents are indeed insane. These signs caught on in the mid-1980s, and they were everywhere. Did they do much to curb reckless driving? Nope. But, that didn't stop parents from sticking these signs up in their car.

Whether it's the hideous, but all-too-pervasive Mom Jeans, the tacky, day-glo window shades in the car, or the sports stickers on the SUVs tailgate — you know, the gigantic soccerball, football and baseball stickers that those parents put on their vehicles — dumb parent crap is everywhere. I didn't fully realize that when we officially entered the realm of parenthood, it meant navigating an alternate universe filled with mountains of cutesy crap that nobody needs.

All I'm saying is Connor better not come home with a "Honor Roll" sticker and expect me to stick it on my bumper. Besides being self-gratifyingly dumb, it might clash with my vanity plate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's okay Carter, if he brings that home and wants it on one of our cars I'll put it on mine. I'd even put a baby on board sign in my window if it makes him happy. However, I'll have to draw the line at mom jeans.

6:38 AM  

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