Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Connor's CD Reviews, pt. 2

To recap, very quickly. Kiddie music=bad. We're on a quest to find "normal" music to listen to in the car and at home that doesn't involve a hokey or a pokey...well, maybe a pokey or two wouldn't hurt.

At long last, here is the most recent update of what music Connor has expressed some interest in. (He bobs his head, does the "white-man" shuffle and blasts a huge smile, in case you were wondering.)

Huey Lewis & The News: Sports
First of all, my apologies to our neighbors as we rock the shit out of this record several times a week, usually with the windows open and the volume way up. Forget Thriller, Sports is hands down, the best pop record to come out of the 1980s. Connor especially likes the heartbeat that opens the album ("Heart of Rock 'n' Roll," duh). That's all he has to hear and he's rocking out. Bar bands and baby boys. It's really an undeniable connection, don't you think?

A Tribe Called Quest: The Low End Theory
Can a toddler get more indie cred than liking this album? Don't think this little fact is lost on Connor, either. Ever since first hearing this album, he struts around the house like he owns the joint.

Hee Haw Gospel Quartet: The Best of the Hee Haw Gospel Quartet
Laugh if you want (I am), but this CD is one of my most favorite in the world. Everybody knows how campy Hee Haw was back in the day (well, 'cept Connor), but you'll be hard pressed to find a better recording of gospel tunes by anyone else. I actually put this on one day because I was in the mood to hear it, but figured Connor wouldn't be into it. Guess what? He's making sure there's no "Dust on the Bible" while waiting for the day "When the Roll is Called up Yonder." How could you not love a CD that uses the word "yonder?" Seriously.

Candiria: What Doesn't Kill You
Yet another successful experiment. There is something about metal that Connor digs. Candiria's brand of metal is a more groove-oriented approach than most bands, so that's probably the key there. Well, that and the horribly violent cover photo of a van crash the band barely survived.

Stay tuned. Don't be surprised if next time, there's an entry about how Connor is listening to Danzig or Ashlee Simpson...well, maybe not. I have a conscience, you know? I could never let him listen to Ashlee Simpson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The genius that is Connor will be traced back to these days in the woods. Brilliant Dad, just brilliant.

10:15 AM  
Blogger mattxmiller said...

you need to test some MPB
this could be a break though market
hope all is well homie

5:43 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

My son likes a wide range as well. From Eminem to Lawrence Welk. It's all good ...whatever keeps them happy and you sane. LOL

10:27 PM  

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