Monday, October 03, 2005

More of the Same

Ack! He did it again.

I don't want to get in the habit of making this blog purely a document of Connor's bowel movements, and I certainly don't want to sound like a broken record-skzzt-a broken record-skzzt-a broken record-skzzt...sorry, had to be done. Anyway, after discovering that Connor had ripped off his diaper during his naptime and pooped in his crib on Thursday, he did it again on Friday. But, since my self-imposed blogging routine (Monday-Thursday evenings) is less flexible than our President's vacation schedule, I had to wait until today to post about it.

I realize now that the first incident was just a test run, as Friday's main event was much more dramatic. Sure, all the elements of Thursday's disaster were present — naked Connor, poop in the crib, Connor crying in the corner — but this time he got a little braver with the lumpy mess and dabbled in a little bit of expressionism.

"Stick it in my ears? Why not. Slather the crib rails with it? Sure. Give myself a handsome poop'stache? Most definitely."

After trying in vain to wash this crap — pun intended — off of him, I took one for the team, and we jumped in the shower together. Another disgusting load of laundry later and all was right again. But, when I put Connor down for his afternoon nap you better believe I put a pair of pants on that demon. There's only so much shit a man can take.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I am ROTFL. Secondly, you can try zip up pajamas with a little padlock at the top or better yet overalls with no snap crotch...wait, I take that back. I know a little one who managed to scoop some poop out of their diaper and through the side opening of some overalls once.

9:13 AM  

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