Monday, September 12, 2005

There IS a doctor in the house!

Back at home...well the home we're renting for the year, at least. We spent the weekend and all of today scattered throughout the Southeast. Connor was at his grandparents' house, I was working at my on-again off-again job in Atlanta and Stacey was in Alabama defending her dissertation – successfully, I might add.

So, at long last, we now have a doctor (unofficially, of course, until she graduates next spring) in the house. She's not technically/legally/actually a doctor but most graduate students can call themselves such once they've defended. We're probably going to get our checks changed to read "Mr. and Dr. Davis." How cool would that be? I could be Mr. Dr. Davis since I'm already Mr. Mom, right?

We drove back home in the dark tonight, giving Connor a glimpse of the world without sunlight for probably the first time since we took him home from the hospital at three days old. Stacey brought her laptop and they watched the Once Upon a Potty DVD while I drove. Nothing like watching animated kids pooping to make a trip go by faster, don't you think? (Especially with a doctor overseeing the viewing.)

I should also mention that Connor's Grammy was foolish enough to buy him a training potty that we can record special messages on that will play when he "flushes." Oh, the possibilities!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mr. and Dr. Davis! Can the doctor come to our house and oversee some potty training when she's done with Connor? Um...and it's not for me, it's for Ellen. Honest.

8:11 AM  
Blogger Im A Foto Nut said...

LOL, I can hear it now. When Connor flushes, "Dude!! A Floater, Cool!" or "Great Aim Cowboy!" How about, "Yellow. Pretty! BUT DON'T STICK YOUR HANDS IN, CONNOR!"

10:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats stacey.

you should make it say "wrong again... it's yellow let it mellow and if its brown send it down! get it right already!"

10:51 PM  

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