Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's a man's world

Yessirree. There's nothing like working on a car early in the day to make a man feel like a, um, man — even if it was just a minor job.

At 7:30 this morning, I got a call on my cell from Stacey (not a good sign as she doesn't call that early because I'm usually still asleep — ha ha, all you working suckers!). She told me she had a flat tire and needed me to come change it. We have AAA, but they told her it would be at least 45 minutes to an hour before they could arrive and she's never wanted to learn how to change a flat since we have roadside service anyway. Besides, she was wearing nice clothes, and I'm already a dirtbag anyway. So, faced with no other choice (I am the MAN after all, dammit!) I woke Connor up and drove to meet her, about ten minutes away. She played with Connor while I got down and dirty with the spare. Kudos to Volkswagen on the full-sized spare, by the way. Very cool.

With that super exciting event behind us, later on, we went into downtown to do a little (a very little) banking and stop off at the playground nearby (no wasted trips). As we pulled up, I saw a group of probably ten parents and twenty-five kids near the playground. Since we've only seen about ten people total in the five (or so) times we've been there, it was a little bit of a shock. I figured it was probably a group that had reserved the space for some kind of event. But, knowing that a little playground reservation never stopped my dad back in the day, I decided to stop anyway. What's the worst they could do? Ask us to leave? That's certainly happened to me plenty in my life (bowling alleys, amusment parks, etc — although that was usually with a group of obnoxious friends). If I can ever manage to teach Connor to cry on command, though, I doubt anyone would have the heart to kick us out. I gotta work on that.

It turns out that the group was just a bunch of homeschool parents and kids. I assumed this because the kids were all school-aged, it was during school hours and they were all a little "off," if you know what I mean. (I'm sure homeschool is a great option for some people, but all the kids I've known that went through it for any significant amount of time were all a little maladjusted.)

But, there was one other parent at the playground that wasn't with the group — a black guy, not that his race's just that it was this young black guy and a bunch of older, overweight white women. He was on the playground, they were huddled in the shade. This guy looked incredibly relieved when Connor and I showed up. (Hey, somebody to take the focus off of me, and it's another dad!!) Our kids played together, we talked a little bit, and I listened to the two pre-teen girls nearby talking about how insulted they felt by the term "tween."

Fun day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i taught i kid two years ago that had been home-schooled up to that point. talk about social problems. this kid didn't know how to communicate without being angry. that was a fun year. home + school = bad.

11:41 PM  

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