Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Music Man

As I alluded to a few weeks ago, I've been on a quest to find music that Connor and I can both listen to without one of us (most likely me) pulling their ears off in a fit of agony after having listened to "The hokey pokey" for the 50th time. I don't want to turn myself around dammit. I'm driving. Leave me alone already.

At first, I thought Connor was going to gravitate toward one particular musical style. Not so. Like me, I'm afraid, his tastes are all over the place. I think I'll spread these out over the next who-knows-how-long, but for now, I'll start with a few CDs that's he's really into. We did dodge a major bullet, though, when he expressed no particular affinity for The Polyphonic Spree, a band that has supposedly bridged many a gap between parent and child (I have been told). Marilyn Manson calls this group "The Jim Jones Orchestra." I couldn't agree more.

Okay, on to what he does like.

Jason Mraz: Mr. A-Z
Hate on it all you want, but this is actually a really good album that's smart, catchy and self-depracatingly funny, if you can avoid taking it too seriously. It's a simplistic pop record, not The Joshua Tree. Connor seems to like Mraz's voice (especially on his b-side version of "Rainbow Connection") and the songs are bouncy enough to keep his attention. It's so much better than his first excuse for a record.

Fishbone: The Reality of my Surroundings
I've listened to this record more times than I can count since it came out in 1991, and it seems like Connor is equally enamored with it, probably due to the bass-heavy funk/rock underpinnings of the tunes. He doesn't care that Angelo Moore is singing about pimps, slave whippin's, drug dealers and hookers. Do you?

Stevie Ray Vaughan: The Sky is Crying
If I could pick one album for us to listen to until the end of time, this would be it, if for no other reason than that it contains the song "Empty Arms." It is easily one of the top five (maybe the best) songs Vaughan ever recorded. No matter how foul his mood, Connor can't not dance along to this song. I can instant message this song to you if you don't believe me. It's magic, I tell you.

Lamb of God: Ashes of the Wake
No, seriously. I put this on as a joke one day, thinking he'd look at me like I'm a complete moron (which he does most of the time anyway) but he was really into it. With song titles such as "Now You've Got Something To Die For," "Blood of the Scribe," and "Remorse is for the Dead," how can a kid not like this band that was once called Burn The Priest?

For those of you scoring at home (or those reading alone), that's Jason Mraz, Fishbone, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Lamb of 16 months old. We're in trouble, folks.

At least we haven't tried Dimmu Borgir yet.


Blogger g3jedi said...

Dude. Connor has got some great taste just like his dad. We miss you man. Hopefully one day by some miricle you will find your way home. Keep chilling. Your Friend - A

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not happy about him listening to music about pimps, hookers drugs and slaves. He is much too smart. One day soon he will sing it to his preschool teacher.

5:18 PM  

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