Thursday, September 15, 2005

Spin City

Why on earth does anyone turn their TV set on during the daytime? (Unless it's to watch a Barney DVD, of course.) Today, I saw a commercial for an upcoming episode of some daytime talk show on which Charlie Sheen would be appearing. The commercial billed him as "Mr. Mom," and said that he'd divulge some of his child-rearing secrets. Can you hear the crickets that were chirping in my head?

Granted, I wasn't paying attention to the commercial (someone else had the set on and I was working on the computer while Connor napped), but I have an incredibly hard time believing that Charlie Sheen — this guy...
Um, let's try another picture...

There we go...

Anyway, I have a hard time believing that this guy, who is a full-time working actor, qualifies as a stay-at-home parent. I'm sure — well, I hope — that he's involved with his kids' lives, but a Mr. Mom he ain't. I know that this particular show is geared toward women (particularly shallow and gullible ones, I guess), and that the producer's only goal is to get as many bodies watching as possible, but outright lying?

I don't want to send the message that I'm offended by this (Oh, Charlie Sheen, how darest thee pretend to be a stay-at-home dad you rogue!!), because I'm not, but calling Charlie Sheen a stay-at-home dad is like calling Shaq a chef because he made himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...for someone who is not offended you sort of sound offended. Its okay to be offended when someone tries to pretend like they do your job and they don't. That sort of thing offends me too. This is just me trying to help you express your feelings. I am a Dr. you know.

11:34 AM  

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