Wednesday, August 02, 2006

"In The Meantime and In Between Time"

The end is finally here at last, though it is hard to believe it's been a year already. When we got here last August, it was hot as hell outside, Connor was hard to handle at times, and I was unsure of what the coming year would hold.

What a difference a year makes....uh, nevermind. Seems not much has changed, just our address.

At the moment, Stacey and I are stranded amidst an ever deepening sea of boxes, waiting as patiently as we can until we pick up the moving truck tomorrow morning. Connor has already been escorted out of town by a very willing grandmother, leaving us here alone to buckle down, gear up and get out.

By the way, for all you ATL folk, Connor is now offially in town, so feel free to start scheduling your visits. We all know you couldn't care less whether we ever come or not. We've accepted our new role in life as Connor's parents. As Connor says to Murphy when it's thundering: "It's no big deal."

Although our situation this year was far from perfect, it was ideal in a lot of ways; Our rent was cheap, we lived in a furnished house on the lake, we were a hell of a lot closer to family and friends than we were in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, I got to stay home with Connor, and Stacey finally earned that damn PhD she's been chasing for what seems like an eternity. P.S. You are all now required to call her "Dr." at all times — well, at least I have to.

Even though I complained a lot about our reclusive whitey neighbors, the massive amount of labor required for the smallest of tasks out here, our lack of funds, the constant invasions of the insect variety, and our reclusive whitey neighbors (sorry, it bears repeating), I will absolutely remember this 12-month stretch with only the fondest of memories.

Being able to spend nearly every waking moment with my son made this experience, warts and all, the best year of my life, and I say that with all the cheesiness and sincerity I can muster.


Blogger Daddy L said...

You're a lucky man. Wish I had to opportunity to stay home with my son, but I brought home the bigger loaf, so I had to do the daily commute while my wife stayed home.

Good luck with the move! Hope you keep bloggin', I enjoy invading your privacy.

6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:45 PM  

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