Monday, March 20, 2006


Although it was just the teensiest bit nerve wracking at the time, is it wrong for me to have slightly enjoyed Connor's stay in the hospital last week? Oh sure, on the surface that sounds like a completely self-centered, inconsiderate statement — do I ever make any other kind? — but allow me to explain before you delete my blog from your bookmarks folder...and let's be honest; this is the first thing you read each day, isn't it?

As I alluded to last week, I can't stress how relieving (and stress relieving) it was to have someone else washing Connor's linens — especially when they were soaked in diarrhea, blood, vomit of some combination of all three. Even though my sick son may have disagreed, it was also nice not to have dimininshed his food supply during the entire week since he couldn't keep a single thing down. He now has exactly as much pre-prepared food in our freezer as he did a week ago. Score!

Plus, since Stacey's mom came into town and basically did every menial task that we asked (and didn't ask), I had plenty of food of my own to enjoy. I probably ate more take out food last week than I have in the last six months. Sure Connor may have lost a few pounds, but my belt is a tad tighter.

I wasn't the only one to notice the respite from our daily grind. Stacey commented that, even though she wished Connor hadn't gotten sick, it was nice not to have daily responsibilities to worry about and just hang out watching cable TV and indulging in take out burritos from Moe's — even if it was in a quarrantined hospital room.

The only lasting downside to the hospital visit will come when we get the bill. As broke-ass fools (that's what we put on our tax returns under "occupation" this year, by the way) we decided to go with a health care plan with a high deductible ($10K...ouch) figuring that we were pretty healthy folk and could go a year without any hospitilizations.

Apparently, Connor didn't get the memo.


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