Thursday, September 20, 2007

"The Daily Grind"

Ah, the jaw—she no longer throbs, and the hydrocodone is in the trash (sorry to all the dopes who asked if I’d sell it to ‘em). Though I’ve got some loose stitches dangling in the back of my mouth, I’m almost back to normal.

Like the somewhat recent brush with appendicitis, I hadn’t realized how much that tooth had been bothering me until it was gone. It’s kind of like a lame girlfriend. One minute you’re putting up with being assaulted with a pepper grinder, the next minute your breaking up with her and saying, “Holy criminy, why didn’t I do that earlier?!”

Anyway, I’m finally starting to settle into my “new” job, though I’ve been there for nearly two months now. Although I’ve accrued a decent amount of writing and editing experience prior to this gig, this new endeavor offers a lot of unique challenges for me. For starters, it’s much more corporate than anywhere I’ve worked before. Also, it’s not run by anti-establishment, counter-culture anarchists—which is a new thing for me. Plus, given that I've spent the last two years freelancing, transitioning back into a 9 to 5 thing is new in and of itself.

No more lazy days at the playground, or watching Cars with Connor for the zillionth time. I now have to report for duty at a certain time each day and depart at a preset time, as well. But, given that my round-trip commute is about five miles per day, going and coming doesn’t take long.

For my Atlanta people, consider this: I filled up my gas tank well over a month ago and have only put 150 miles on my car since. I have about half a tank left and it'll probably be close to Halloween before I have to refill. Suckers.

Also, I have to be much more of a record keeper now, which isn’t my strength, due to the overwhelming amount of details required to keep track of. Before this, if I couldn’t keep up with a deadline or appointment in my head… well, I have no example because that’s never happened. Outlook’s calendar function is now my best friend.

So far my co-workers are very cool, my bosses are laid back, and I can get home in less time than it probably takes you to go to the bathroom. What's not to like?


Blogger Rob Barron said...

Found you via Clare's Dad.

Years ago I had a molar that was causing me SEVERE pain.

After having it fixed, the oral surgeon wrote a scrip for Vicoden. I filled it, but found that the pain of healing was less than the pain of the tooth.

I've been a regular at the dentist for quite some time now.

11:22 PM  

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