Monday, August 22, 2005

It most certainly does not smell like teen spirit

So there we were — two adults, down on our knees, sniffing the bottom of the door.

"What do you think?"

"Well, I think I smell something, but I'm not sure. You?"

"I sort of smell something, but I'm not sure either. Sniff again."

"I"m still not sure. I mean, he might have, but I can't really tell."

"Crap. What should we do?"

Has it really come to this? Two parents, concerned that their child might have "filled" his diaper before he could fall asleep for his afternoon nap (thus resulting in an is-he-or-isn't-he-faking-it crying fit), were both hunched over, down on the floor, trying to determine if the air wafting through the quarter-inch gap beneath his bedroom door had a particularly nutty odor.

I don't have a ton to say on this topic at the moment; I'm just noticing how different things have become. Our bookshelves are overrun with Little Golden Books, our floorspace with more toys than this kid knows what to do with, and our multimedia shelves have become, shall we say, much more colorful. One day you're staying up late, watching movies or taking less than a carload of gear for a quick trip to the park. The next day, you're down on your hands and knees, trying to see if you can smell your child's poop. I'm not complaining, because I wouldn't trade this kid for the world, but do you wanna see how much things have changed?

Here's what was...

...and here's what is.

Scary, huh?


Blogger Steve Davis said...

Aren't the Baby Einstein videos strangely addictive to watch? I don't know if you loop those over for the 'lil boy, but David and Judith would play them for the twins and I would occasionally find myself sitting on the couch for 30 minutes at a time watching them. Something mysteriously addictive and soothing about 'em.

Course you could also say the same about Grand Theft Auto. I actually think I'd rather watch someone else play that game than play it myself....

I did get a nice mental picture of you and Stacey bent over in front of a bedroom door...

9:44 PM  

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