"We'll Meet Again"
When I started this blog in August 2005, I foolishly attached my name to the URL. At the time, I was without a steady employer—"working" as a stay-at-home dad and moonlighting as a freelance writer—and didn't have to worry about stepping on anyone's or any company's toes. By making my real name (or is it?) part of the blog address, I stupidly put myself in a bad spot—one that I should have remedied long ago.
Incidentally, I never intended for anyone to discover this blog. My intention was to write in private, but Stacey didn't know this and sent the address out to a few family members and interest spread from there.
Now that I'm on the job hunt, I'm having to take steps to ensure that certain facets of my personal life don't interfere with potential employment opportunities. My MySpace page is now "friends only," the "Don't laugh mister, your daughter might be in here" bumper sticker is no longer affixed to my car, and the blog is now needing to be retired.
I've enjoyed writing here, but considering that I've written about topics such as abortion, immigration, at-home schooling and even taken one or two jabs at our government here and there, I think it's a safe bet that Corporate America might not take kindly to the half-baked musings of a guy who has spent the better part of the last two years knuckle deep in poop and Cheerios.
Plus there's, like, a lot of pictures of people vomiting.
So, goodbye for now, and thank you for reading. I may resurface again, so feel free to check this page every month or two. I'll be sure to leave a forwarding address.